Thursday, December 15, 2016

Look and Live

Exodus 33:18 (NET) - And Moses said, “Show me your glory.” Moses wanted to see God’s glory. God gave Moses just a glimpse. At the time, no one could see God’s face and live. Not even Moses. All that changed when God reached down to a fallen world through Jesus. Those who saw Jesus, saw the Father. Yet even those closest to Jesus did not comprehend this. John 14:8-9 (NET) - Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be content.” Jesus replied, “Have I been with you for so long, and you have not known me, Philip? The person who has seen me has seen the Father!...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

What to Do

Many people suffer from stress around Christmas. Speaking from personal experience, I can see why. It seems like everyone gets busier around Christmas. Being a Christian certainly helps us cope.  As we continue our journey through the season of Advent, I thought I might share a few things that some might be helpful in coping with holiday stress. Above all, keep the focus where it belongs. Christmas is about Jesus. It is not about us. Tasks and activities that bring Him glory should be given top priority. Christmas is also an excellent time to love others. Helping...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

I Just Don't See It

Over the past few months I have observed a building under construction. I passed by it every day during my commute. I observed the excavation. I saw the foundation laid. I watched the steel girders go up. I observed additional concrete poured. I saw men at work inside the building busy at various tasks. Each day I passed by I could see the progress that was being made. What made this interesting was that I only saw this building from a corner view. When work began on the exterior of the building, workers started on the side of the building to my left. That phase...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sin is Overt

There is a car dealership I pass every morning and every evening. What is most noticeable about it during the daytime is their large sign which displays their family name of Covert. At night, the dealership is even more noticeable. Lights are turned on and their facility is flooded with light. Even their sign lights up. In this state, both the sign and facility can be seen from quite far away. The dictionary defines the word covert as “not openly displayed”. I find it more than a bit interesting that a place that attracts so much attention could have the word “covert” attached...

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Does Forgiving Mean Forgetting?

There is an old saying that goes, “Forgive and forget.” Scripture tells us plainly that we are to forgive others. Matthew 6:14-15 (NET) - For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you your sins. It really does not get much plainer than that. The question remains, “Does forgiving mean forgetting?” On one hand the argument could be made that one should forget what one has forgiven. God tells us in scripture that He does not remember our sins when we repent of them. Isaiah...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Real Gem

Each of my parents came from large families. As a result, I grew up surrounded by many uncles and aunts. I learned so much from each of them. Each of them helped reinforce the lessons of faith and love my parents taught me. Each did this through his or her actions and words. I know the many cousins I have feel the same way. Time moved on and one by one my parents and each of my aunts and uncles completed their earthly journeys. This continued until only one of them remained. I find it quite remarkable that her name was Pearl as we considered her a real gem from God. Recently,...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Living Our Faith

I pass several churches along my commute. From time to time I see drivers breaking traffic laws as they enter or leave their parking lots. I realize not every driver entering or leaving those lots attends those churches, but stay with me. Along my commute I also encounter many drivers violating the established traffic laws. Some of these same drivers have Christian bumper stickers or decals on their cars. Inconsistent behavior is not merely confined to the roads. I was in the store the other day. I was awaiting my turn in the checkout line just like everyone else. Someone...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Out of the Box

There are a number of television programs that feature old objects. In some of them, people want to sell their old items. In others, people just want to know their true value. One thing is certain, an object’s condition certainly impacts its value. As a rule, the better condition an object is in, the more the object is worth. Some items are sold in boxes. The box can add a lot to an item’s value. In some cases, people not only have the box, they have never even opened it. This adds even more to the object’s value. Our faith is nothing at all like that. When we...

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Is There a Sequel?

Every now and again a really good story comes along. Perhaps it is in the form of a book. Maybe it is in the form of a movie or a television show. Whatever form it comes in, we eventually reach the end of the story no matter how good it is. If it is a story we enjoyed we might find ourselves asking, “Is that all there is?” Not always. Sometimes a sequel is written or produced. The story continues but, more often than not, we find ourselves disappointed. The sequel simply just does not live up to the original story we enjoyed so much. Our lives are a bit like a story...

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Like One of Your Own

The corporation for which I work occasionally asks us to provide office space for people that technically do not work for our office. This is due to our location. That was an extremely unique concept for me when I first encountered it. Providing these individuals with office space also means providing them with technical support as required. That is where I come in. Providing technical support is a service I provide for the people that work for our office. It simply stands to reason that I need to provide technical support for these individuals well. Times like these make...

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Because I Said So

Parents have a responsibility to teach their children right from wrong. They tell their children what they should do. For instance, they will tell them to eat everything on their plate. They also tell their children what they should not do. For example, they will tell them not to touch the stove or play with matches. Children will usually ask, “Why?” Early on, parents will explain their reasoning. In the case of plate cleaning they will tell their children about those less fortunate that have no food to waste. In the case of stoves or matches they will tell their children about...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Make the Best Choice

I am a Christian therefore I believe Jesus exists. People who are unbelievers do not believe that Jesus currently exists. The most prominent theologian alive today also believes that Jesus exists. Today’s most vocal atheist is of the opinion that Jesus does not currently exist. The bottom line - Jesus exists! His existence does not depend on who chooses to believe in Him and who does not. Let’s look at this from a different angle. For all intents and purposes, today’s world could be divided into two categories. One group would be composed of those who believe in Jesus;...

Thursday, June 16, 2016

An Open Letter to Fathers

Fathers: Some of you know me quite well. Some of you know me socially. Many of you do not know me at all. Regardless of the nature of our relationship, I know that as fathers you are concerned about your children. I appreciate your concern especially in these times. I have no direct experience with the responsibilities that accompany fatherhood. That said I am well aware that all men, including me, have responsibilities where children are concerned. Fathers teach their children with words and by example. I might not teach your children with words, but I hope I can teach...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Looking Out for Children

I don’t make a practice of killing small animals. Occasionally I come across one where I live. When that happens I do my best to capture and release it. When I came across a small snake in my garage not long ago I intended to do just that. I found a box that was big enough for me to capture it. When I got close enough to the snake, I changed my plans. This was not an ordinary and harmless snake. What I faced was a young yet quite venomous water moccasin. I made the decision to kill it. This decision was not made out of personal fear. My concern was for the many...

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Acts of Worship

An older friend of mine used to open up the church every Sunday morning. One Sunday morning, he took me under his wing and began to show me all the tasks he performed. Every Sunday morning after that, we would go through these tasks together. Eventually I learned how to do all of them. Due to circumstances beyond his control, he is no longer able to open up the church on Sundays. These tasks now fall to me as he has shown me how to do them. I am grateful because performing these tasks reinforces something I have always believed. Every service performed for the Lord is an...

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mama's Boy

Sunday is Mother’s Day. When I was young the term “Mama’s boy” was considered an insult. If a boy was really intent on getting into a scrap with another boy on the playground then this phrase was almost sure to do it. Frankly, it did not get much better when we grew older. Now there is even a definition for it. Today, “Mama’s boy” is a term for a man who is extremely attached to his mother at an age when men are expected to be independent. In my case, being a “Mama’s boy” was born more out of necessity rather than choice. My father died when he was a young man. Shortly...

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Different Perspective

One of the services I provide for my church family is photography. I have provided this service for them for the last nine years and it is a ministry I particularly enjoy. This ministry not only allows me to reach out to others, it occasionally gives me some personal insight as well. It gave me such an insight on Easter Sunday. I arrived at church well before dawn to help get things ready for our sunrise service. As always, I had my camera with me. I made my way through the church and turned on lights, checked microphones,...

Thursday, March 31, 2016


April 1 is known as April Fool’s Day or All Fools Day. Some historians claim the day has origins that go back as far as 1582. When the Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar in 1563, the start of the New Year changed as well. It went from the last week in March to January 1. People who did not get the news continued to celebrate according to the old calendar. Those that made the change ridiculed those that did not. They also played pranks and hoaxes on them. This annual occurrence was popularized in 1700 as All Fools Day. We who call ourselves Christians...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Having Enough Light

I once heard a funny story that stuck with me. A woman comes home and finds her husband in the living room on his hands and knees. She asks him what he is dong. He tells her that he is looking for a coin that he lost in the basement. A bit confused, she asks why he is looking in the living room. He replies, “Because the light is better.” In Chapter 8 of the book of John. Jesus refers to Himself as “the light of the world”. John 8:12 (NET) - Then Jesus spoke out again, “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

When a Believer Says No

Even believers feel overwhelmed from time to time. Speaking from personal experience, I can assure you this believer does. Although something I never enjoy, I sometimes have to give people an answer they will not like. No. At church I serve on a committee on which I feel led to serve. Every now and then someone who means well will ask me to serve on a board or another committee. When I explain to them that the committee I am in is where I belong, they typically suggest I serve on both. No. By trying to do both I feel I would be stretching myself too thin. I would...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Revolving Around the Son

Recently there was news of the possibility of a new planet in our solar system. Planet 9, when confirmed, will be very far away. It will undoubtedly be quite different from the world on which we live. Although each planet is unique, there is one thing that each of the planets have in common. Each one revolves around the sun. That is because the sun’s gravitational pull keeps them in orbit. The sun also provides warmth which makes life on earth a reality. If these influences from the sun stopped then the solar system would cease to exist. In fact, it would no longer be...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Unlimited Coverage

Today’s technology is amazing. Take cell phones for example. One day, you decide to take a trip and find yourself far away from home. You decide to tell your friend about it and so you get out your cell phone. You then dial your friend’s cell number. At the very same time your friend has also decided to take a trip and is also far away from home. Suddenly his cell phone rings. He answers and the two of you are able to talk about the trips you are on. You had no idea where your friend was. Yet the two of you are able to clearly communicate as if there was no distance...

Because Jesus is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life

God Bless You
